Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood
UNIMOL1 – SofTware and Knowledge Engineering lab
(Reference person: Remo Pareschi)
The SofTware And Knowledge Engineering (STAKE) Lab is part of the Department of Biosciences and Territory of the University of Molise. The main mission of the STAKE Lab is to advance state of art in software engineering and knowledge engineering, improve users’ productivity and develop new methods and tools for supporting decision makers. The current range of research and development topics pursued at Stake Lab includes (but are not limited to) decision support systems in the context of the development and evolution of large software systems, machine learning-based applications in healthcare systems, image analysis and understanding, AR/VR-based interactive environments, and blockchain and distributed ledger technology to support industrial processes.

Remo Pareschi
Is associate professor of Computer Science (scientific-disciplinary sector Inf/01) at the University of Molise and, in the past, held research and management positions at the European Computer-Industry Research Centre, Xerox Corporation, and Telecom Italia. Subsequently, he began an academic career, maintaining a solid link with the ICT industrial sector. He holds several patents in the field of Information Management. His most recent research interests concern using distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) to support innovative supply chain management and algorithmic management and the experimentation of augmented intelligence applications given by human and artificial intelligence interactions. He is the founder of several innovative startups, including university spin-offs Datasound (dedicated to machine learning and big data analytics) and BB-Smile (dedicated to industrial applications of blockchain technology).

Rocco Oliveto
Is a Full Professor at the University of Molise (Italy). He is the Rector's Delegate for placement, internship and technology transfer. Since October 2020 he is the Deputy Director of the Department of Biosciences and Territory. From 2014 to 2020 he was Chair of the board of the Computer Science study program. He is the founder (and Director until 2019) of the STAKE Lab of the University of Molise. He is also one of the co-founders and CEO of datasound, a spin-off of the University of Molise. His activities span various international software engineering research communities. He has served as organizing and program committee member of several international conferences in the field of software engineering. He was program co-chair of several international conference (e.g., ICPC 2015 and SCAM 2014).

Stefano Ricciardi
Received the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, the Master's Degree in Informatics and the PhD degree from the University of Salerno. He has been co-founder/owner of a videogame development team focused on 3D sports simulations. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Molise. His main research interests include biometry, virtual and augmented reality, haptics systems and human-computer interaction. He is member of IEEE and GIRPR/IAPR having authored/co-authored about seventy research papers including international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. He serves as an external expert for the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission.

Simone Scalabrino
Is research fellow at the University of Molise, Italy. He gained (magna cum laude) a Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University of Salerno (Italy) in 2015, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Molise in 2019. His research interests are on software quality, testing and security. He gained three ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper awards, at ICPC 2016, ASE 2017, and MSR 2019. He served as Program Co-Chair of the ERA-Track at ICPC 2022, Co-Organizer of the AeSIR Workshop (co-located with ASE 2021), and as Local Arrangement Co-Chair for SANER 2018. He has served as a program committee member for several Software Engineering conferences, such as SANER 2023, ICPC 2022, and ASE 2021. He is CSO of datasound, a spin-off of the University of Molise.

Valentina Piantadosi
Is technologist at the University of Molise, hired within the NPRR METROFOOD-IT project. She received (magna cum laude) a Master's Degree in Software System Security from the University of Molise (Italy) in 2018 defending a thesis on Software Reliability and Testing, advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto. She received a Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering defending a thesis on Code Readability from the University of Molise in 2022, advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto. Her research interests include code readability, vulnerability detection, testing and machine learning. She served as a reviewer student for the Shadow Program Committee of the MSR 2021. She served as Publicity and Web Chair of the AeSIR Workshop 2021 (co-located with ASE 2021) and as Publicity and Web Chair of the MaLTeSQuE 2020. She served as a reviewer for some international journals (i.e., TSE and EMSE).