Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


METROFOOD-EPI: A Comic Book to Showcase How Science Can Drive Innovation

A comic book specifically designed to captivate and engage young people with the themes of research and innovation in the agrifood sector.

type of rise

METROFOOD-IT tests technology for traceability of Italian rice

Ensuring the Origin and Quality of Italian Rice Through Rapid, Precise, and Non-Destructive Field Analyses.  This is one of the results achieved by METROFOOD-IT infrastructure, funded by the PNRR, aiming to provide new tools for the benefit of producers and consumers.

Metrofood target

METROFOOD-IT sets its targets for 2025

The representatives of the PNRR METROFOOD-IT project recently gathered in Rome to review the progress of the initiative.

metrofood teams

METROFOOD-RI ready to enter new phase after double event in Rome

The European research infrastructure METROFOOD-RI is ready to enter a new phase, marked by its strengthened position in the world of agrifood innovation.

wine and oil

Italian agrifood exports are healthy: here's why

A recent report by FEDERALIMENTARE highlighted that the export of the Italian food industry recorded a +9.3% growth in the first seven months of the year, potentially reaching around €57 billion by the end of 2024. This figure aligns with recent years, which have seen increasingly significant growth rates.


Food Safety: Ensuring Consumer Health in a Changing Climate

Food safety must be guaranteed by properly managing chemical, biological, and physical risks throughout the entire agri-food chain, from primary production to distribution and consumption. Scientific research plays a key role in supporting the production system and protecting consumer health.
