Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


Final Conference of METROFOOD-RO Takes Place in Bucharest

In these hours, the final conference of METROFOOD-RO is taking place in Bucharest, scheduled to run from November 14th to 15th in the Romanian capital. Similar to the Italian consortium METROFOOD-IT, the METROFOOD-RO network aims at developing and consolidating research, development, and innovation capabilities, providing scientific services through the development of necessary tools to enhance the performance of tests on the quality of agri-food products. This effort is geared towards enabling Romania to meet European requirements in the field of food safety.

METROFOOD-RO also focuses on promoting cooperation and encouraging interaction among various stakeholders, as well as creating a common database of information and knowledge. Another objective is the implementation of common cooperation strategies to integrate resources and experiences, thereby fostering the development of the Romanian agri-food sector.

METROFOOD-RO is an integral part of the European network METROFOOD-RI, whose development is supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Competitiveness Program. In this regard, the Bucharest event represents an important opportunity for METROFOOD-IT to facilitate the integration of its infrastructure with other national nodes, strengthening community efforts and increasing coordination with other research entities and infrastructures.

Specifically, Claudia Zoani, the coordinator of the METROFOOD-IT Consortium, will address the theme of "Consolidating cooperation between METROFOOD-RO and other National Nodes" on the afternoon of November 14th. On the morning of November 15th, the Italian Consortium coordinator is scheduled to provide further insights into the functioning and objectives of the European infrastructure METROFOOD-RI.
