Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood

Researchers from the CTNC of Murcia visit the METROFOOD-IT laboratories

Researchers from the CTNC of Murcia visit the METROFOOD-IT laboratories

In recent days, the METROFOOD-IT consortium has been involved in an important exchange project with the CTNC (Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación) of Murcia, Spain.

On July 2nd, the METROFOOD-IT coordinator, Claudia Zoani, guided the visit of the CTNC researchers to various laboratories and facilities at the ENEA Casaccia Research Center in Rome. During the day, the Spanish researchers had a series of meetings, particularly with the Head of the Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Division (AGROS) of ENEA, Massimo Iannetta, with the aim of establishing future collaborative synergies on the topics of traceability, production sustainability, and the valorization of by-products. The facility tour specifically included the metabolomics, microbiology, analytical chemistry, and reference materials laboratories, the technological hall dedicated to agro-industrial processes, and the Calliope gamma irradiation plant.

The following day, the CTNC researchers visited the ENEA Trisaia Research Center (Matera), accompanied by Claudia Zoani and Maurizio Notarfonso, head of the Agri-Food Chain Innovation Laboratory (IFAL). After an introduction by Roberto Balducchi, head of the Regenerative Circular Bioeconomy Laboratory (BIOEC), they visited the Reference Materials plant, the NMR facility, the Agrobiopolis Technological Hall, the analytical chemistry laboratory, the White Room, and the sensory analysis laboratory.

The initiative took place within the context of the DIGISOST project, through which the CTNC aims to innovate the food sector of the Murcia Region, accelerating its sustainability and digital transformation to meet the growing demand for information from consumers and respond to the latest macro trends in the sector (climate change, water resource sustainability, etc.).
