Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


METROFOOD-EPI: what was decided at the Thessaloniki interim meeting


The interim meeting of the METROFOOD-EPI (Early Phase Implementation) project was held on June 26 and 27, 2024, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event was hosted in one of the conference rooms at the Research Dissemination Center of the Aristotle University (KEDEA), part of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This was an important occasion where project partners from all countries involved in the infrastructure had the opportunity to meet in person to discuss the project's progress, particularly the work carried out within each WP (Work Package) over the past six months. Additionally, participants discussed the actions to be taken in the next semester to achieve the objectives set out for the Early Phase Implementation of the infrastructure.

"It was a rather intense two days filled with insights – explained the coordinator Claudia Zoani. Thanks to everyone's contribution, we delved into the paths and options to strengthen the technical organization and implementation of the RI, in preparation for its full operational phase. We also addressed complex topics such as updating the scientific strategy and synergistically connecting with other existing initiatives in the agrifood sector across Europe and even globally. Special attention was given to the long-term scientific and financial sustainability of METROFOOD-RI, including impact, risk management, and user engagement. Regarding this last aspect, in particular, several initiatives were defined to enhance the project's dissemination and communication activities".

The next meeting is scheduled to be held in Rome next December, where, besides the internal consortium assembly, an open event will be organized. So, stay tuned and save the date… we’re waiting for you all joining us the 13th of December!
