Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


Sensing and Measurement for Agri-Food Quality: Deadline Extended Until March 10th to Participate in the Special Session at IEEE 2024

The upcoming International Workshop IEEE 2024 on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT (IEEE MetroInd 2024) is scheduled to take place in Florence from May 29th to 31st, 2024. On this occasion, one of the partners of the METROFOOD-IT Consortium, the University of Parma, through the Department of Engineering and Architecture's Unit of Computer Engineering and Electronic Sensors (UNIPR2), has proposed a Special Session focused on Sensors and Measurement Techniques for Agri-Food Quality and Safety in Industry 4.0.

As known, the food industry is strongly committed to providing safe and high-quality food products while addressing the issue of monitoring food processing quality. Therefore, the development of techniques and methods for food quality control is of fundamental importance to maximize productivity, allowing for high food quality and reducing food fraud.

In this context, measurements and methods for food analysis can contribute to ensuring that products meet quality requirements and standards, leading to greater customer satisfaction and confidence in the safety and quality of products.

In particular, the Special Session coordinated by the University of Parma will focus on food sensors, measurements, and analysis methods. The aim is to discuss the state of the art on this crucial topic for food quality, covering the entire food chain from primary agri-food production to final consumption. These are issues that are also fundamental to the METROFOOD-IT Consortium, which aims to strengthen the Italian research infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data to support the agri-food sector.

Until March 10th, 2024, interested researchers will have the opportunity to submit contributions for the development of the special session in the following areas:

  • Measurement techniques;
  • IoT sensors for agri-food applications, including point-of-need contexts;
  • Electronic tongues/noses;
  • Artificial intelligence in Instrumentation and Measurement for the agri-food sector.

Of particular interest are contributions that include chemical sensors, biosensors, and physical sensing elements integrated with innovative data acquisition systems and data processing techniques for food quality and safety control.

As mentioned earlier, the deadline for extended abstract submissions has been extended to March 10th, 2024, while the deadline for final paper submissions is scheduled for April 10th, 2024. Details for paper submission and author information are available on the Call for Paper page of the Workshop website.

For further information, you can contact the University of Parma representatives, Professor Ilaria De Munari, Head of the Unit of Computer Engineering and Electronic Sensors (UNIPR2) at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma, and Valentina Bianchi, at the email addresses:
