Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood
ENEA1 – Management
(Reference person: Claudia Zoani)
The Management OU ensures, according to management systems based on quality, effectiveness, efficiency and economy, the administrative activity, also through the coordination of the related processes, the rational use of resources and skills, the sharing of financial and economic data and projects to support the planning and monitoring system of programs and results, as well as project management. The main tasks and functions are: 1) Taking care of the administrative, financial, accounting, patrimonial and fiscal obligations; 2) Performing the internal audit function in support of the management body and for the improvement of administrative-management processes; 3) Providing for the activities of addressing, reporting and relations, the latter also with external entities. The OU acts for the strategic and scientific management of Research & Development activities related to the agrifood defining the strategies and activities on cross-cutting issues. It also guarantees the interface with any external stakeholder, starting from other research institution and Universities, covering local, regional, and national authorities, control bodies, public health institutes, food inspection and control agencies, companies from the agrifood sector, consumer association and the wide public, taking over of coordinating communication, dissemination, and technology transfer actions. It supports the collaboration with agrifood enterprises, with the aim of creating a stronger integration between innovation supply and demand, along with solid public-private partnerships, thus ensuring a better production performance and the optimization of funding opportunities offered at regional, national, European, and international level.

Claudia Zoani
Is Researcher at the ENEA Biotechnology and Agroindustry Division. Graduated in Chemistry with a PhD in Analytical Chemistry, she concluded the courses & research activities of a second PhD in Agriculture, Food and Environment. Specialist on atomic spectroscopic and mass spectrometry techniques and Metrology, she conducts R&D activities on Reference Materials and Methods; food quality, safety and traceability; sustainability of agrifood systems; chemical risk assessment. She is scientific secretary of IMEKO TC23 Metrology in Food and Nutrition, Member of the Eurachem WG on Reference Materials and UNI Committee General Metrology. She is one of the 10 Italian experts on Circular Economy selected by the Italian Ministry for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) for the participation to the Comité des Dix-Italie - Sommet des Deux Rives initiative. Awarded with the Premio Leonardo UGIS for “research and its communication” on 2014. She is engaged as Principal Investigator for ENEA in several national and European ongoing projects, such as the HEu AgroServ and DGR4Food, the H2020 FNS-Cloud, iNEXT-Discovery and FoodSafety4EU and the ERANET SUSFOOD CORE ORGANIC “PROVIDE”. She is the Coordinator of the Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI (ESFRI Roadmap – dominio Health ad Food).

Stefania Bassini
Is Intellectual Property Lawyer at ENEA with almost twenty years of experience in the legal field, with reference to private law and contractual matters, and specialised skills in the management and exploitation of Intellectual Property and contract negotiation. With a University Law Degree and a Master in Intellectual Property Management, in 2009 she obtained the Qualification to practice as a lawyer. Her main activities include: preparation of IP rights License or transfer agreements, MTAs, Consortium Agreements, MoUs, IP joint ownership agreements, NDAs, Framework agreements, Research agreements and others. She collaboration in the drafting and revision of the ENEA Regulation on Industrial Property. She performs advisory and teaching activities on Intellectual Property in the context of specific projects and within ENEA.

Giuseppina Del Signore
Is Senior Researcher at ENEA. Biologist, at ENEA since 1985, currently with the task of promoting and communicating the activities of national and international research projects. She is among the promoters and organisers of the Carlotta Award, an international award for female researchers. She has worked on the transfer of disease resistance genes from wild wheat into cultivated varieties, projects on biology applied to the conservation of Monumental Heritage, and the design and implementation of courses on Environmental Protection to promote scientific alphabetization. She also collaborated to the European projects “Girls and Science”, to strengthen the confidence of female students in their abilities in the scientific field, and “Students Teachers and Science”, to identify an innovative teaching methodology for teaching scientific disciplines.

Matteo Magaudda
Is Head of Management and Operation Service within the Department for Sustainability (SSPT-GEF) at ENEA. Dr. in Economics and Commerce, he deals in particular with providing support in the planning of projects/orders and the preparation of proposals in response to national and EU calls; definition and finalization of contractual relationships, including initiatives "without cash flows”; active invoicing, reporting and auditing; functional and administrative activities for human resource management; support for planning, management control, performance measurement; management and economic-financial planning and the preparation of the budget; support for the managerial and procedural aspects, in the relations with the central Functions, other Departments, summit bodies, and outside the Agency.

Chiara Nobili
Is researcher at ENEA. Graduated in chemistry in 2000 at the “Sapienza” University of Rome, she got in 2010 her PhD in Botany at the same University. Expert in plant and pathogenic fungi metabolomics, currently she carries out studies on food sustainability, quality and safety through the characterisation and quantification of bioactive metabolites using chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods. She is the coordinator of the "food waste" working group within the "Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform" (ICESP) and of the scientific programme in the PACKCHAIN project financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development whose objective is the development and use of innovative compostable and biodegradable PACKaging systems for improving the shelf life of fruit and vegetables and blockCHAIN technology for traceability along the supply chain.

Ombretta Presenti
Is researcher at ENEA, with a Political Science Degree. She is in charge for dissemination, communication and valorisation of project results and technology transfer, being involved in several EU and National projects related to different EU Programmes: ENPI CBC; Interreg MED; Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. She is member of: “International biotechnologies working group” (2008-2009) of National Committee for Biosecurity, Biotechnology and Life Sciences (Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers); “Communication, Training and Technology Transfer” working groups of the Italian Technology Platform “Food for life”; International Observatory of Social Theory on New Technologies and Sustainability – SOSTENIBILIA; Communication task force of the ENEA Department for Sustainability.

Stefano Rinaldi
Is Researcher at the Management and Operation Service within the Department for Sustainability (SSPT-GEF) at ENEA. Dr. In Economic Sciences, he collaborates in the technical and functional support of the SSPT department and in particular carries out activities for the planning and preparation of annual and three-year budgets, budgeting, management control. He takes care of the management for new acquisitions (preparation of determination and entry arrangements, project management, preparation of accounts). He is the contact person for privacy management activities.

Giacomo Serafini
Is research assistant at ENEA. Graduated in Political Science at Roma Tre University with a thesis in Sociology, then specialized through the achievement of a master’s degree in International Relations with an experimental thesis in Strategic Studies. He then worked mostly in the private sector. His activities are focused on: circular economy and its dissemination; consumption and sustainability; communication and dissemination; citizen science and involvement of citizens through smart governance activities.