Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood
UNINA4 - Advanced engineered solutions for reliable data
(Reference person: Leopoldo Angrisani)
The OU enlists three research teams with suitable competences. The “Cloud and Networking” research team exhibits relevant expertise mainly on:
- Virtualization Technologies for Computing and Networking;
- Distributed Computation, Communication, and Storage;
- Big Data Analytics, including solutions able to process data coming from distributed sensors using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence;
- Computing and Network Security.
The “Bioengineering” research team exhibits relevant expertise mainly on design of tags for large libraries based on combinations of biomolecules building block, on processing approaches to stabilise - by chemical point of view- biomolecules to be used as biotags including DNA, on DNA biotag for food anticounterfeit, as well as on biosensors for the ultrasensitive detection of different biomolecules such as oligonucleotides. The “Measurement” research team can boast scientific- technological expertise and experience in the definition and implementation of innovative measurement methods and techniques in different research areas, the identification of uncertainty sources in measurement processes, and the evaluation of their influence on measurement results, as well as in modelling of measurement uncertainty. It exhibits relevant expertise mainly on IoT-based measurement and monitoring systems, cyber-physical measurement systems, self-calibration and self-testing techniques for sensors and IoT instrumentation.

Leopoldo Angrisani
Is full Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Director of CeSMA – Center of Advanced Measurement and Technology Services - University of Napoli Federico II. Coordinator of the Technical/Scientific Committee of MedITech – one of the eight Italian Competence Centers on I4.0 enabling technologies. His research activity is currently focused on Internet of Things and cyber-physical measurement systems, quantum technology in measurements, sustainability of measurements, communication systems and networks test and measurement, measurement uncertainty. Chair of IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Italy Chapter, and recipient both of “I&M Society Best Chapter Award” by the IEEE I&M Society in 2016 and "Chapter of the Year 2021" by the IEEE Region 8 in 2022. Recipient of the IET Communications Premium in 2009. Recipient of “2021 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society Technical Award”.

Francesco Bonavolontà
Received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Information Technologies, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2015. He is currently a Research Fellow, according to art. 24 paragraph 3, lett. a) of the law n. 240/2010, with the Department of Electrical and Information Technologies, University of Naples Federico II. He has received the national license as an Associate Professor of the scientific area 09/E4 Measurements. His research activity is cantered in instrumentation and measurement and can be divided into three main areas: remote control of measurement instruments, measurement methods based on compressive sampling, and distributed measurement systems IoT for monitoring and protecting electrical networks. More recently, his research activities are focusing on the development of innovative measurement sensors based on artificial intelligence algorithms: Edge AI. He has founded the Spin off ARCADIA, for the realization of AR environments for remote control of measurement instruments. Dr. Bonavolontà is a member of the Technical Committee TC-37— Measurements and Networking of IEEE.

Alessio Botta
Is associate professor at the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies. He received the M.S. degree in telecommunications engineering and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering and systems from the University of Naples Federico II. His research activities are related to network security, robot communications, and Software Defined Networking. He has co-authored over 100 international journal and conference publications. In the research area of networking, he has chaired international conferences and workshops, served and serves several technical program committees of international conferences, is member of the editorial board and reviewer for different international conferences and journals. He is reviewer for project proposals of different international institutions.

Filippo Causa
Is full professor of Industrial Bioengineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering. He holds the position of Director of the University center "Interdepartmental Research Center on Biomaterials". He received with honors the degree in Materials Engineering and the PhD in Biomaterials at the University of Naples Federico II. His research activity concerns the development of materials capable of functioning with biological logics for biosensor applications and integrable in miniaturized systems (Lab-on-chip). He is co-author of more than 100 publications in international journals and conferences with more than 3000 citations. In the field of industrial bioengineering he has been chair of international conferences and workshops, he is a member of the editorial board and reviewer for several international journals. He is reviewer for project proposals of various international institutions.