Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


Open Event of METROFOOD-EPI (Early Phase Implementation) project

open event 13dic2024We are pleased to announce that the Open Event of METROFOOD-EPI (Early Phase Implementation) project will be held at Hotel NH Collection Roma Giustiniano, in Rome, the 13th of December. In this final event of the METROFOOD-EPI project, we will explore how Research Infrastructures can provide support and resources to pave the way for a sustainable and competitive future. The event will focus on addressing the challenges of the agrifood system, emphasising the role of Research Infrastructures and the opportunities they provide for stakeholders within the sector. It aims to highlight the importance of strengthening research, cooperation, innovation, and stakeholder engagement to foster growth and advancement in the agrifood industry. Additionally, the event seeks to promote training and career development opportunities, particularly for young researchers, encouraging them to contribute to and shape the future of this dynamic field.

Registration closed for the METROFOOD-EPI Open Event

Event Information

Event Date 13-12-2024
Event End Date 13-12-2024
Attachment Agenda-open-event-13-dicembre-2024.pdf

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map
