Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


METROFOOD-RI ready to enter new phase after double event in Rome

The European research infrastructure METROFOOD-RI is ready to enter a new phase, marked by its strengthened position in the world of agrifood innovation. This phase will feature closer collaboration with other institutions to achieve long-term scientific and financial sustainability. These were the key messages emerging from the dual event organized in Rome as part of the METROFOOD-EPI project, the European initiative aimed at the full implementation of the European infrastructure.

The first event, held at the ENEA headquarters, was an internal meeting attended by all project partners from 12 countries. METROFOOD-RI coordinator Claudia Zoani highlighted the positive progress made by the project over the past year, emphasizing how the infrastructure must be structured to address the critical challenges of agrifood sector. By doing so, it will contribute to a more resilient, safe, fair, responsible, and sustainable food future. A key milestone for 2025 will be the second step application to the European Commission to achieve ERIC status, granting METROFOOD recognition as a legal entity at the European level.

During the working day, the leaders of the various project Work Packages reported on the initiatives carried out over the past 12 months. For example, the Open Calls promoted by the European infrastructure allowed various stakeholders in the agrifood sector to use METROFOOD’s physical and digital facilities free of charge for their projects. Dissemination activities to promote the Consortium were also highlighted, culminating in a dedicated meeting organized in September during the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The following day, the project’s Open Event was held at the NH Hotel in Rome and was open to the public. The morning session, rich in content and participation, also provided a platform for showcasing some important external projects and initiatives supporting agrifood innovation (EGI Foundation, SCAR Food Systems SWG, SYSTEMIC Knowledge Hub, FutureFoods).

Participants were then updated on the progress achieved by METROFOOD-EPI over the past year. The event included a detailed presentation of the innovative range of services available to all agrifood sector stakeholders, as well as practical examples of scientific projects conducted using METROFOOD-RI facilities.

The Open Event concluded with a special roundtable featuring nine young METROFOOD researchers, who shared their experiences and presented their research projects made possible thanks to the support of the infrastructure.

In short, as Project Coordinator Claudia Zoani pointed out, “The double appointment in Rome confirmed that METROFOOD-RI is on the right way to becoming a research infrastructure capable of making a significant contribution to the sustainability, quality and safety of the agrifood sector. Our team's hard work over the past twelve months has made it possible to achieve all the organizational goals we had set for ourselves and to lay an important foundation for those in the future. The numerous participation in the Open event in Rome by students and researchers from the agrifood sector also confirmed the extreme interest in our project”.
