Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood
7th International IMEKOFOODS Conference
Worldwide food trade and consumption: quality and risk assessment – Paris (FR),25-27 October 2023
The globalization of food trade, a growing world population, climate change and rapidly changing food systems have an impact on the safety and quality of food and hence on public health. To understand and to tackle the health impact of unsafe and unhealthy food, scientists, risk assessors, governments and industry should have access to correct food data obtained by metrological sound measurements. Food is a complex biological matrix containing thousands or more organic and inorganic substances. The development and validation of novel analytical approaches capable of coping with a large panel of chemical contaminants or substances of nutritional value in complex food matrixes is extremely challenging. For these reasons the 7th International IMEKOFOODS conference it's held to welcome researchers whose work is focused on food chemistry & metrology, nutrition, food safety & quality, risk assessment, food authenticity, etc. The coming together of these researchers contributes to the consumers protection, which is the goal in relation to food quality & nutrition, where the metrology plays an important role. In this framework METROFOOD-RI and its Italian counterpart METROFOOD-IT, joined the event with their project partners and infrastructure members, to show their work and results